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Medicare (CMS) Local Coverage Determination (LCD) Updates – June 2019
Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) Local Coverage Determination (LCD) Updates »
June 2019 Medicare (CMS) LCD Updates:
- A56609 Billing and Coding: Biomarker Testing (Prior to Initial Biopsy) for Prostate Cancer Diagnosis
- A56606 Billing and Coding: Cardiac Event Detection
- A56606 Billing and Coding: Cardiac Event Detection
- A56613 Billing and Coding: Cataract Surgery
- A56607 Billing and Coding: Continuous Peripheral Nerve Blocks (CPNB)
- A56607 Billing and Coding: Continuous Peripheral Nerve Blocks (CPNB)
- A56611 Billing and Coding: Corneal Pachymetry
- A56611 Billing and Coding: Corneal Pachymetry
- A56612 Billing and Coding: CT of the Head
- A56612 Billing and Coding: CT of the Head
- A56610 Billing and Coding: Hospice Cardiopulmonary Conditions
- A56610 Billing and Coding: Hospice Cardiopulmonary Conditions
- A56588 Billing and Coding: Micro-Invasive Glaucoma Surgery (MIGS)
- A56178 Billing and Coding: Percutaneous Vertebral Augmentation (PVA) for Osteoporotic Vertebral Compression Fracture (VCF)
- A55336 Billing and Coding: Retroperitoneal Ultrasound
- A56590 Billing and Coding: Water Vapor Thermal Therapy for LUTS/BPH
- DL37733 Biomarker Testing (Prior to Initial Biopsy) for Prostate Cancer Diagnosis
- L34573 Cardiac Event Detection
- L37126 Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10)
- L37641 Continuous Peripheral Nerve Blocks (CPNB)
- L33630 Corneal Pachymetry
- L34512 Corneal Pachymetry
- L34417 CT of the Head
- L34548 Hospice Cardiopulmonary Conditions
- A54953 Independent Diagnostic Testing Facilities- physician supervision and technician requirements
- DL37244 Micro-Invasive Glaucoma Surgery (MIGS)
- L37134 MolDX: BDX-XL2
- L37818 MolDX: Decipher® Biopsy Prostate Cancer Classifier Assay for Men with Very Low and Low Risk Disease
- L37820 MolDX: Decipher® Biopsy Prostate Cancer Classifier Assay for Men with Very Low and Low Risk Disease
- L37130 MolDX: DecisionDx-UM (Uveal Melanoma)
- L37130 MolDX: DecisionDx-UM (Uveal Melanoma)
- L36206 MolDX: Genomic Health™ Oncotype DX® Prostate Cancer Assay
- L36206 MolDX: Genomic Health™ Oncotype DX® Prostate Cancer Assay
- L36048 MolDX: HLA-B*15:02 Genetic Testing
- L36145 MolDX: HLA-B*15:02 Genetic Testing
- L36149 MolDX: HLA-B*15:02 Genetic Testing
- A54445 MolDX: MammaPrint Billing and Coding Guidelines
- A54447 MolDX: MammaPrint Billing and Coding Guidelines
- L36113 MolDX: MGMT Promoter Methylation Analysis
- L37142 MolDX: Prolaris™ Prostate Cancer Genomic Assay for Men with Favorable Intermediate Risk Disease
- L34171 Nasal Punctum-Nasolacrimal Duct Dilation and Probing with or without Irrigation
- L34175 Ophthalmic Angiography (Fluorescein and Indocyanine Green)
- L34181 Ophthalmic Biometry for Intraocular Lens Power Calculation
- L34399 Ophthalmology: Posterior Segment Imaging (Extended Ophthalmoscopy and Fundus Photography)
- L34049 Outpatient Physical and Occupational Therapy Services
- A52400 Outpatient Physical and Occupational Therapy Services Supplemental Instructions Article
- L34353 Outpatient Psychiatry and Psychology Services
- A52403 Outpatient Psychiatry and Psychology Services – Supplemental Instructions Article
- DL33569 Percutaneous Vertebral Augmentation (PVA) for Osteoporotic Vertebral Compression Fracture (VCF)
- A52535 Process for Determining Self-Administered Drug Exclusions – Medical Policy Article
- DL37808 Water Vapor Thermal Therapy for LUTS/BPH
- L36690 Wound Application of Cellular and/or Tissue Based Products (CTPs), Lower Extremities
- A53387 Aflibercept (EYLEA®) Coding and Billing Guidelines
- A56627 Billing and Coding Beleodaq (Belinostat)
- A56628 Billing and Coding Fluocinolone Acetonide Intravitreal Implant
- A56629 Billing and Coding Iron Sucrose, Iron Dextran and Ferumoxytol, (Intravenous Iron Therapy)
- A56630 Billing and Coding Sodium Ferric Gluconate, (Intravenous Iron Therapy)
- A52986 Billing and Coding: Biomarkers for Oncology
- A56591 Billing and Coding: Blood Glucose Monitoring in a Skilled Nursing Facility (SNF)
- A56600 Billing and Coding: Cardiac Event Detection Monitoring
- A56602 Billing and Coding: Cardiac Rhythm Device Evaluation
- A56615 Billing and Coding: Cataract Extraction (including Complex Cataract Surgery)
- A56613 Billing and Coding: Cataract Surgery
- A56616 Billing and Coding: Chiropractic Services
- A56616 Billing and Coding: Chiropractic Services
- A56248 Billing and Coding: Corneal Hysteresis
- A56608 Billing and Coding: Corus® CAD Test
- A56625 Billing and Coding: Echocardiography
- A56625 Billing and Coding: Echocardiography
- A56619 Billing and Coding: Nerve Conduction Studies and Electromyography
- A56619 Billing and Coding: Nerve Conduction Studies and Electromyography
- A56614 Billing and Coding: Pyschiatric Inpatient Hospitalization
- L35396 Biomarkers for Oncology
- L34834 Blood Glucose Monitoring in a Skilled Nursing Facility (SNF)
- L34953 Cardiac Event Detection Monitoring
- L34833 Cardiac Rhythm Device Evaluation
- L35091 Cataract Extraction (including Complex Cataract Surgery)
- L34413 Cataract Surgery
- L34093 Chemotherapy and Biologicals
- L37387 Chiropractic Services
- L38014 Corneal Hysteresis
- L36713 Corus® CAD Test
- L37379 Echocardiography
- A54689 MolDX: Myriad’s BRACAnalysis CDx™ Coding and Billing Guidelines
- A55597 MolDX: PIK3CA Gene Tests Billing and Coding Guidelines
- A55602 MolDX: PIK3CA Gene Tests Billing and Coding Guidelines
- A53558 MolDX: PIK3CA Gene Tests Coding and Billing Guidelines
- A54295 MolDX: PIK3CA Gene Tests Coding and Billing Guidelines
- L35048 Nerve Conduction Studies and Electromyography
- A52479 Oral Anticancer Drugs – Policy Article
- L34570 Psychiatric Inpatient Hospitalization
- A56529 Response to Comments: Corneal Hysteresis
- L34577 Retroperitoneal Ultrasound
- A53066 Self-Administered Drug Exclusion List:
- A52505 Wheelchair Seating – Policy Article
- A56632 Billing and Coding: Colonoscopy/Sigmoidoscopy/Proctosigmoidoscopy
- A56632 Billing and Coding: Colonoscopy/Sigmoidoscopy/Proctosigmoidoscopy
- A56639 Billing and Coding: Hospice Alzheimer’s Disease & Related Disorders
- A56639 Billing and Coding: Hospice Alzheimer’s Disease & Related Disorders
- A56621 Billing and Coding: Swallowing Studies for Dysphagia
- A56621 Billing and Coding: Swallowing Studies for Dysphagia
- L35091 Cataract Extraction (including Complex Cataract Surgery)
- L37126 Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10)
- L34454 Colonoscopy/Sigmoidoscopy/Proctosigmoidoscopy
- L34741 (retired) Drugs and Biologics (Non-chemotherapy)
- A52531 (retired) Fluocinolone acetonide intravitreal implant
- L35132 Home Health Plans of Care: Monitoring Glucose Control in the Medicare Home Health Population with Type II Diabetes Mellitus
- L34566 Hospice – HIV Disease
- L34567 Hospice Alzheimer’s Disease & Related Disorders
- L34558 Hospice The Adult Failure To Thrive Syndrome
- A52427 (retired) Iron Sucrose, Iron Dextran and Ferumoxytol, (Intravenous Iron Therapy)
- A53101 MolDX: bioTheranostics Cancer TYPE ID® Update
- L36117 MolDX: Genetic Testing for BCR-ABL Negative Myeloproliferative Disease
- L36011 MolDX: Molecular RBC Phenotyping
- L34045 Non-Invasive Vascular Studies
- A56212 (retired) Response to Comments: Colonoscopy/Sigmoidoscopy/Proctosigmoidoscopy
- A52429 (retired) Sodium Ferric Gluconate, (Intravenous Iron Therapy)
- L35986 Special Histochemical Stains and Immunohistochemical Stains
- L33449 Swallowing Studies for Dysphagia
Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) Local Coverage Determination (LCD) Updates »
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