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Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) April 8th 2018 Local Coverage Determination (LCD) Updates

Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) Local Coverage Determination (LCD) Updates »

April 8th 2018 LCD Updates:

  • L33417              Allergy Skin Testing
  • A54117             Application of Bioengineered Skin Substitutes to Lower Extremity Chronic Non-Healing Wounds
  • A53049             Approved Drugs and Biologicals; Includes Cancer Chemotherapeutic Agents
  • A55947             Billing and Coding Guidance for Anti-Inhibitor Coagulant Complex (AICC) National Coverage Determination (NCD) 110.3
  • A52371             Bortezomib – Related to LCD L33394
  • L33559              Cardiac Computed Tomography (CCT) and Coronary Computed Tomography Angiography (CCTA)
  • L33392              Category III CPT® Codes
  • L37022              Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10)
  • A54314             Controlled Substance Monitoring and Drugs of Abuse Coding and Billing Guidelines
  • L36029              Controlled Substance Monitoring and Drugs of Abuse Testing
  • L33428              Cosmetic and Reconstructive Surgery
  • A54660             Coverage of Intravenous Immune Globulin for Treatment of Primary Immune Deficiency Diseases in the Home – Medicare Benefit Policy Manual, Chapter 15, 50.6
  • A54662             Coverage of Intravenous Immune Globulin for Treatment of Primary Immune Deficiency Diseases in the Home – Medicare Benefit Policy Manual, Chapter 15, 50.6
  • A52463             Facial Prostheses – Policy Article
  • A55933             Flow Cytometry Coverage Clarification
  • A55934             Flow Cytometry Coverage Clarification
  • L36906              GlycoMark Testing for Glycemic Control
  • L33432              Hyaluronate Polymers
  • L35021              Hyperbaric Oxygen (HBO) Therapy
  • L37640 (retired) Intensity Modulated Radiation Therapy (IMRT)
  • L35003              Intraoperative Neurophysiological Testing
  • A53414 (retired) Intraoperative Radiation Therapy (IOERT)
  • A52465             Knee Orthoses – Policy Article
  • A52496             Lower Limb Prostheses – Policy Article
  • L34424              Magnetic Resonance Angiography
  • A52497             Manual Wheelchair Bases – Policy Article
  • L36109              Minimally Invasive Treatment for Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia Involving Prostatic Urethral Lift (Urolift®)
  • L36910              MolDX: APC and MUTYH Gene Testing
  • L36487 (retired) MolDX: Chromosome 1p/19q deletion analysis
  • A53524             MolDX: CYP2C9 and/or VKORC1 Gene Testing for Warfarin Response Coding and Billing Guidelines
  • L35868              MolDX: Decipher® Prostate Cancer Classifier Assay
  • L36343              MolDX: Decipher® Prostate Cancer Classifier Assay
  • L36345              MolDX: Decipher® Prostate Cancer Classifier Assay
  • L36656              MolDX: Decipher® Prostate Cancer Classifier Assay
  • L36656              MolDX: Decipher® Prostate Cancer Classifier Assay
  • A53536             MolDX: ENG and ACVRL1 Gene Tests Coding and Billing Guidelines
  • A53638             MolDX: Fragile X Coding and Billing Guidelines Update
  • A53542             MolDX: GBA Genetic Testing Coding and Billing Guidelines
  • L35633              MolDX: GeneSight® Assay for Refractory Depression
  • A53103             MolDX: HERmark® Assay by Monogram Update
  • L36033              MolDX: HLA-B*15:02 Genetic Testing
  • L36048              MolDX: HLA-B*15:02 Genetic Testing
  • L36143              MolDX: NSCLC, Comprehensive Genomic Profile Testing
  • L36143              MolDX: NSCLC, Comprehensive Genomic Profile Testing
  • L37262              MolDX: Oncotype DX® Genomic Prostate Score for Men with Favorable Intermediate Risk Prostate Cancer
  • L37262              MolDX: Oncotype DX® Genomic Prostate Score for Men with Favorable Intermediate Risk Prostate Cancer
  • L35869              MolDX: Prolaris™ Prostate Cancer Genomic Assay
  • L36002              MolDX: Prolaris™ Prostate Cancer Genomic Assay
  • L36002              MolDX: Prolaris™ Prostate Cancer Genomic Assay
  • L36348              MolDX: Prolaris™ Prostate Cancer Genomic Assay
  • L36350              MolDX: Prolaris™ Prostate Cancer Genomic Assay
  • L36704              MolDX: ProMark Risk Score
  • L36706              MolDX: ProMark Risk Score
  • L37299              MolDX: Prometheus IBD sgi Diagnostic Policy
  • L37313              MolDX: Prometheus IBD sgi Diagnostic Policy
  • L37352              MolDX: Prometheus IBD sgi Diagnostic Policy
  • A53538             MolDX: SULT4A1 Genetic Testing Coding and Billing Guidelines
  • L36021              Molecular Diagnostic Tests (MDT)
  • A52466             Nebulizers – Policy Article
  • L36954              Noncovered Services other than CPT® Category III Noncovered Services
  • L37639 (retired) Noninvasive Peripheral Arterial and Venous Studies
  • A52488             Pneumatic Compression Devices – Policy Article
  • A52498             Power Mobility Devices – Policy Article
  • A52452             Rituximab (Rituxan®) – Related to LCD L33394
  • L35094              Services That Are Not Reasonable and Necessary
  • L34433              Somatosensory Testing
  • A52469             Speech Generating Devices (SGD) – Policy Article
  • A53972             Spinal Fusion Services: Documentation Requirements
  • A53975             Spinal Fusion Services: Documentation Requirements
  • A52960             Sterilization
  • A52960             Sterilization
  • A53356             Sterilization
  • A54543             Therapeutic Apheresis for Familial Hypercholesterolemia
  • A54545             Therapeutic Apheresis for Familial Hypercholesterolemia
  • A55946             Topical photosensitizers used with PDT for actinic keratoses and certain skin cancers retired Part A and Part B LCD
  • L33456              Total Joint Arthroplasty
  • A52492             Tracheostomy Care Supplies – Policy Article
  • A54072             Treatment with Yttrium-90 Microspheres
  • A52504             Wheelchair Options/Accessories – Policy Article
  • A52505             Wheelchair Seating – Policy Article
  • L37176              White Cell Colony Stimulating Factors
  • L35089              Wireless Capsule Endoscopy


Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) Local Coverage Determination (LCD) Updates »


Policy Alerts monitors Commercial and Medicare medical policies for changes. While Payers typically update medical policies annually, there are many reasons why a Payer might review or update a policy. When reviews occur out of cycle, they may go unnoticed. Policy Alerts keeps you informed of upcoming and unexpected coverage changes affecting your product. Quickly understanding the changes Payers make can help you adjust reimbursement strategies impacting your business.

Policy Alerts continuously monitors Commercial and Medicare Payer coverage information to keep you up-to-date on Payer decisions in real-time. Whenever changes occur, email notifications containing a summary of those changes are delivered to your inbox. Clients can access detailed coverage reports and medical policies on the interactive Dashboard portal. Save time and keep focused on the important Payer medical policy reviews and coverage decisions affecting your product!

Policy Alerts takes a client-focused hands-on approach and works hard to provide our customers with helpful insights and actionable analytics over raw data. We understand what our clients need and we are dedicated to making sure we provide timely, accurate and always up-to-date reports that can be used to implement and support a successful reimbursement strategy.

Health economic and reimbursement information provided by Policy Alerts is gathered from third-party sources and is subject to change without notice as a result of complex and frequently changing laws, regulations, rules and policies. This information is presented for illustrative purposes only and does not constitute reimbursement or legal advice.

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